Sunday, August 20, 2017

Declare Victory And Walk Away

Well, it's been a crazy month in the White House. And it was supposed to be a bit of quiet, with the Pussy-Grabber-in-Chief on vacation at his golf resort in Bedminster, New Jersey and Congress on break.

You don't need to be Sherlock Holmes to deduce that Donald Trump hates the job he's been trying to do for the last seven months. 

In a recent Politico article, White House officials and informal advisers said that Trump's temper is triggered "if he thinks someone is lying to him, if he's caught by surprise, if someone criticizes him, or if someone stops him from trying to do something or seeks to control him."

And as Late Night host Seth Meyers noted, that is what happens every single day of being president. You're lied to, you're caught by surprise, you're criticized and people try to get you to do things you don't want to do. 

When he took office in January, I thought maybe, for the sake of his own self-interest, he'd stick to the script most of the time--that he'd be smart enough to realize he was out of his depth and he'd let other people take over. Leave everything to Mike Pence and spend his time playing golf, handing out medals and attending Trump 2020 rallies. 

What he wants is impossible. He wants everyone to love him. He wants the press to only say nice things about them. He doesn't want to hear criticism, only praise. He wants to do whatever he wants and not have to answer to anyone. Because he's the boss.

When you're running your family business, you can do that. 

Donald Trump has spent his entire life in a bubble, born into wealth and privilege. His father's money and position were always there for him. To give him his start in the real estate business, to fund his ambitious business ventures and to bail him out when he failed.

When you own the business, you can surround yourself with people who tell you what you want to hear.  For his entire adult life, Trump has been able to fail spectacularly while remaining unscathed.

Bill Curry, a former adviser to President Clinton, and a former Democratic nominee for governor of Connecticut, summed up Trump's accomplishments this way in a recent Salon article:

"Trump’s whole life is a fraud that Robert Mueller may soon expose as a criminal enterprise. His business career was a disaster till a book someone else wrote and a TV show someone else produced made him a celebrity. He then fell into the only line of work he ever prospered in: licensing that celebrity. He does it pretty well, but Zsa Zsa Gabor did it first and Kim Kardashian did it better and neither of them should be president."

I really cannot see Trump continuing in the job for the next three years and five months. He may not be a very good businessman (even though he played one on TV) but he does know enough to get out when it all goes to hell.

His style is to walk away and leave other people to clean up the mess, all the while declaring himself a huge success.  

The way things have been going, I wouldn't be surprised to see this tweet from @realdonaldtrump:

"Elitist losers have blocked me at every turn so will leave swamp of DC to in private sector. Done putting up w/ ."

He'll release statements echoing his ousted strategist Steve Bannon, saying he feels he'll be far more effective Making America Great Again outside of the confines of the Washington, DC establishment.

President Mike Pence will thank him for his service. The GOP Congress will sadly bid him farewell, but breathe a collective sigh of relief that the presidency will regain some semblance of normalcy.

And Trump will retire to Trump Tower and send out tweets congratulating himself for leaving the highest position in the land. Because for him, it wasn't good enough.